If you’d like to inquire about advertising with We Like L.A., head over to this page.
General Inquiries
Need to contact us for one of the following reasons?
1) Ask us a direct question or for advice about something Los Angeles related. Seriously, we love answering these and may just use our response to your query as the basis for a new blog entry.
2) Make general site inquiries and feedback
3) Corrections, broken pages, or other site issues
Shoot us an email at:
Tips & Press
If you have a press tip, event submission, or are requesting coverage, then please email at:
We will consider all submissions but can’t guarantee coverage and, unfortunately, we get too many requests to respond to each individually.
Your best bet if you’re submitting for coverage is to include a brief description of the event, along with an associated image, and a link for more info. And please include the date of the event in the subject line of your email!
To Contact Us By Mail
We Like L.A.
c/o Yes No Media, LLC
1325 Palmetto St., Ste 108
Los Angeles, CA 90013
We look forward to hearing from you