Ever want to use your mobile device during a Metro ride and get upset cause your service sucks? Well, your plight may not have to endure too much longer, at least in regards to a few select Metro lines.
In February 2013, the Metro Board of Directors awarded a 20-year contract with lnSite wireless LLC for the provision of cellular coverage in the Metro underground rail system tunnels and stations and for Wi-Fi in the Metro underground rail stations.
Construction of the project is slated to begin the week of Jan. 4, and the launch of service is to be staggered over the course of the next several years, with current projections as listed below, per a memo released by Metro:
Phase 1 Red-Purple Lines (Union Station to 7th St./Metro Center) Wi-Fi- May 2015, Cellular- August 2015
Phase 2 Red-Purple Lines (Westlake to Wilshire/Western and WilshireNermont to Vermont/Sunset) Wi-Fi- December 2015, Cellular- June 2016
Phase 3 Red Line (Hollywood/Western to North Hollywood) and Gold Line (Mariachi Plaza to Soto) Wi-Fi- November 2016, Cellular- March 2017
Completion of the project according to the above timeline is contingent on several factors, including availability of tunnels during non-operation periods (which may be pre-empted by more urgent maintenance) and InSite’s ability to reach agreements with all necessary cellular and Wi-Fi providers.