Best Dodger home run catch ever by a fan?
As I was prepping to watch the May-Pac fight last night (yes, I was one of those suckers who chipped with a group of friends to watch the disappointment) our group saw the highlights of a fan from last nights Dodgers’ game who was holding both a video camera and wearing a baseball glove, and managed to not only catch a home run ball in the outfield bleachers, but then panned around the stadium to record the reaction shots to his feat before turn the camera on himself.
Watching from this angle (embedded below) it’s almost like that home run ball was on a string going straight into his glove. Reminds me of that scene in The Sandlot when The Jet hits the ball directly into Smalls’ glove.
It’s almost like that home run ball was on a string going straight into his glove. Reminds me of that scene in The Sandlot when The Jet hits the ball directly into Smalls’ glove.
Sweet capture bro (pun intended).
And for good measure, here’s Vin Scully’s take… “the selfie of all selfies…”