Some people are so upset that they can’t go congregate at the beach that they’re now congregating in protest instead. This is, of course, in spite of numerous pleas from state, county, and city health officials to please stay home, stay six feet apart, and otherwise avoid spreading COVID-19. The better we flatten this curve, the sooner we’ll see some Stay at Home restrictions begin to loosen. Recently, Gov. Gavin Newsom said that may occur in the coming weeks—if we stay the course.
But how should one get fresh air if not along California’s beautiful coast? Well, the state has provided a large list of totally okay ideas that include solo sports, outdoor exploration, and gardening. Please remember that you still can’t do these things at closed parks or beaches, and you can’t do them within six feet of people outside your household.
But you can participate in:
- Athletics
- Badminton (singles)
- Throwing a baseball/softball
- BMX biking
- Canoeing (singles)
- Crabbing
- Cycling
- Exploring rock pools
- Gardening
- Golf (singles, walking—no cart)
- Hiking on trails or paths that allow distancing
- Horse riding (singles)
- Jogging and running
- Kiteboarding and kitesurfing
- Meditation (Note: All L.A. County residents can now get a free premium Headspace subscription.)
- Outdoor photography
- Picnics (with your stay-home household members only)
- Quad biking
- Rock climbing
- Roller skating and rollerblading
- Rowing (singles)
- Scootering
- Skateboarding
- Soft martial arts (solo)
- Table tennis (singles)
- Throwing a football, kicking a soccer ball (not in groups)
- Trail running
- Trampolining
- Tree climbing
- Volleyball (singles)
- Walking your dog
- Washing the car
- Watching the sunrise or sunset
- Yoga
- Taking a walk in your neighborhood
Many beaches and parks in L.A. County have been closed for some time now, but Newsom announced the temporary closure of beaches in Orange County yesterday. This followed a weekend of what many say were crowds in Newport Beach, which the city has contended. Today, the L.A. Times reports a group of 300 people met in Huntington Beach to protest the state’s Stay at Home orders, while officials in Huntington Beach and Dana Point voted to ask a judge to block Newsom’s order.