All L.A. County and L.A. city testing sites will reopen tomorrow, according to L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti. This comes after they all shut down two hours early on Saturday, and after some remained closed Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. (Testing sites are always closed on Sundays.)
If you were out protesting, you were probably around a lot of people at once—likely for the first time since the Safer at Home/Stay at Home orders went into effect. We attended protests in Hollywood, downtown L.A., and Pan Pacific Park. While we can attest that most people wore facial coverings, social distancing is difficult in such situations.
If you’re concerned you may have contracted COVID-19 while protesting, here’s what you need to know. It’s also handy info even if you weren’t out and about this weekend.
COVID-19 has a long incubation period. Try to self-isolate as much as possible for at least 14 days from when you were last around others, even if you don’t feel sick right now. According to L.A. County Director of Public Health Barbara Ferrer, “Testing negative for COVID-19 right after you’ve been exposed does not mean you can’t become infected later during the incubation period, so please stay away from others for 14 days after possible exposure.”
If you develop symptoms within those 14 days, contact your healthcare provider for testing and care. Symptoms include cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fevers, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or a new loss of smell.
If you live with a senior or someone with an underlying condition that may make COVID-19 a more serious illness for them, stay at least six feet away from that person and wear a facial covering whenever you’re around them. Avoid touching items they might use or preparing their food, and clean common surfaces often.
If you’d like to register for a free COVID-19 test, you may do so here.
And remember, we won’t actually know if opening up more businesses or the protests had any impact on the spread of COVID-19 for a few weeks due to that long incubation period.