
Amazing Aerial Drone Footage of DTLA Let’s You See City Like Never Before

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Aerial Drone Footage Over DTLA

Ever wonder what it would be like to float through DTLA and take in the amazing views from hundreds of feet above the ground?


Well, filmmaker Ian Wood decided to let us all get a taste of exactly what that might feel like using a lightweight remote controlled quad-copter and camera system to capture some amazing aerial footage of downtown Los Angeles.

Wood details his artistic vision for  on the Vimeo description for the video that he created:

“Above the grit and noise of the street, downtown Los Angeles quietly provides some of the most amazing visual detail in its buildings and public art works. This is a selection of those buildings and public arts filmed across some 50 different locations in the immediate downtown area and the arts district. There are many many more locations that are not included and are equally if not more impressive.”

It’s kind of an amazing project considering how many FAA regulations and other hurdles Wood had to get through in order to film (shooting at non-peak traffic times, staying below a 400ft. altitude, avoiding private property, etc…).

End of the day though, the footage is awesome and we’ll just let it speak for itself. Enjoy the show.

[Photo Credit: Ian Wood]


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Brian is the co-founder of We Like L.A. and a lifelong fan of puns, the Lakers, and late night tacos. Follow him on Twitter @bchampLA


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