17 Things You Should’ve Read About L.A. This Week But Might Have Missed

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I’ve decided that since I spend so much time reading, researching, and following stories about L.A. it would probably be useful just to compile a list of everything on my radar (along with some of the stuff we’re writing too) on a weekly basis and turn it into a useful article.

Hopefully you can use this rundown as a hub to catch up on what you missed, or at the very least, find among it’s contents at least one article every week that tickles your fancy.


In any case, here’s this week’s list of what we’re reading and writing about:

  1. If you’re on twitter and live in L.A., make sure you’re following all 27 of these accounts.
  2. Love roller coasters? A ridiculous (and by ridiculous I mean super cool) replacement for Colossus is being built over at Magic Mountain.
  3. Some awesome surfing footage taken by drones from this week’s big swell over in Malibu
  4. Speaking of the swell, did you know it was actually a hurricane that was causing all those big waves in the first place?
  5. Lots of people made a big stink about the Corpse Flower blooming last week. Here’s a quick time-lapse of that very event.
  6. Still want to see that giant rubber ducky in San Pedro? Make sure you know the schedule of availability up until Sep. 6th.
  7. The burger debate will continue forever, but this week Zagat named In N Out L.A.’s best burger.
  8. 5 Reasons People Watching is one of L.A.’s most treasured pastimes.
  9. If you’re in DTLA this weekend be aware of all the road closures for the Made in America Fest.
  10. From the Source Blog, a new section of bike path on the L.A. River is opening up.
  11. Some excellent outdoor date ideas curated by Jean Trinh at LAist
  12. ICYMI: L.A.’s roads are becoming even more dangerous than before (according to Allstate).
  13. If you like sweets, check out these five goodies mentioned by Kristie over at the L.A. Weekly.
  14. On a tech progress note Newegg is rolling out same-day delivery in Los Angeles.
  15. Speaking of progress, Uber is now testing out delivery services in Santa Monica.
  16. Quick story about that Madmen writer who biked his way over to the Emmys this past Monday.
  17. The seriousness of California’s drought in images.

And lastly, our photo of the week…. @Mexican_Rider on Instagram posing with family in front of the rubber duck at the Port of Los Angeles.

Great shot Enrique!

Family Selfie By Giant Rubber Duck in San Pedro

If you want to put your photo out there for us to feature, just make sure to use hashtag #WeLikeLA on Instagram or twitter, or simply send it our way via message on Facebook or by posting it to our page.

Oh, and one last thing. If you totally want to stay in the loop about all the content we produce at We Like L.A., or just stay up to date on future events (like hiking to the Hollywood Sign), then make sure to sign up for your email list below. Cheers!


Brian is the co-founder of We Like L.A. and a lifelong fan of puns, the Lakers, and late night tacos. Follow him on Twitter @bchampLA


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