Are you a Wizard? A witch? Squib? Muggle?
It matters not how you definite yourself, for one and all can partake in a unique celebration of Harry Potter coming to the Moonlight Rollerway this Saturday, April 25.
Harry Potter Roller Skating Night (now in its fourth year) will feature Harry Potter soundtrack music, a costume contest, games and raffle prizes, merchandise and Butterbeer from the snack bar! Word is they also found themselves a Harry Potter version of trivial pursuit for event-goers to partake in…
The event will run from 8pm-11pm and tickets come in three tiers:
– Wizarding Spectator (no skating, just watching) – $6.50
– Entrance without skate rental (bring your own skates) – $11.50
– Entrance with skate rental (rental skates from rink) – $14.50
All ages are welcome!
The Moonlight Rollerway is located at 5110 San Fernando Rd, Glendale, California 91204
Brian is the co-founder of We Like L.A. and a lifelong fan of puns, the Lakers, and late night tacos. Follow him on Twitter @bchampLA