Let’s face facts, it’s really, really, really hot in L.A. right now.
Like the kind of heat that makes your hands melt into your steering wheel while stuck in traffic on the 405, your only recourse to call the LAFD to come peel them off with a rubber spatula.
In truth we’ve probably reached the point where complaints about the weather have become so common place they’re now a parody of themselves. Ripe for sweat-dripping satire and incisive observational humor.
Or, if you’re lazy like me… memes.
First, let’s recognize are those poor souls who are without air conditioning at all. God have mercy them…
Figuring out how to stay cool puts us all in touch with our inner-MacGyver…
Even with air conditioning, the miserable heat wave has forced many of us to come to terms with people we chose to cohabitate with. I mean, no one wants to live with this guy…
If we’re by ourselves, sometimes the heat makes us dazed and confused…
Even bring us face to face with our own hypocrisy…
Or maybe we just get really, really pissed off at our dumbass neighbors…
Sometimes in a heat wave even when you win, you lose…
And of course depending on where you live, you may experience the heat wave totally differently…
[source: r/losangeles]
Even though there might be two or three spots in L.A. that aren’t hell-on-earth hot (and you might live in one of them), those regions only seem to draw scorn and derision from the rest of us…
Of course, the beach isn’t without it’s own perils…
Though let’s face it, sometimes our complaints about the weather may get a little overblown…
Maybe we all need a little perspective on the matter…
Try to take pride in the small victories this weather may provide us…
And remember (all memes aside) this heat is no joke…
And there are people out there who are actively working to keep you safe from these dangerous conditions…
Of course if that reframing of the issue doesn’t work then take heart, bitter angelenos.
There’s always someone worse off than you…
As Morpheus points out, there are serious consequences to it being so hot in Los Angeles. Do check out these heat safety tips (as given by some adorable dogs) to help make sure you’re not doing anything stupid.
And if you just need another distraction to take your mind off the scorching weather, check out these 21 Memes That Every Angeleno Knows to Be True.
Stay frosty Los Angeles!
Have your own heat-related L.A. drama? Feel free to share it with us in the comments below!
Brian is the co-founder of We Like L.A. and a lifelong fan of puns, the Lakers, and late night tacos. Follow him on Twitter @bchampLA