
10 Fun Things To Do TODAY in L.A. for January 16, 2016

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You know what’s handy?

Waking up in the morning,  firing up your phone/computer and being able to scan a super quick (but curated) rundown of the best of what lies ahead for the day at hand in the city you live in.


So here it is!

Below is our quick link list of 10 fun things to do in Los Angeles for today, Saturday, January 16, 2016.

May it lead you to adventure!

Los Angeles at dawn
Credit: Kārlis Dambrāns via flickr

Items below listed in order by event / activity start time. Keep in mind for some of the ticketing options we utilize affiliate links to help us pay the bills (affiliates noted below). 

[RELATED: The Best Way to Find Discount Events in Los Angeles]

1. [10:00am] Arcade Expo 2.0 at The Museum of Pinball. Runs all weekend.

2. [10:00am] Free play Saturdays at Royce’s Arcade Warehouse. FREE

3. [11:00am] 38 Degrees Ale House Bottle Share.

4. [12:00pm] Charles Bukowski’s Los Angeles Bus Tour: Haunts of a Dirty Old Man. DISCOUNTED*

5. [1:00pmBenjamin Franklin’s Electric Birthday Celebration at The International Printing Museum. DISCOUNTED*

6. [2:00pm] Free public star party at The Griffith Observatory. Goes until 9:45pm. FREE

7. [7:00pm] Guitar Center’s 27th Annual Drum-Off Finals.

8. [8:00pmModular Synthesis opening reception at Subliminal Projects. FREE

9. [8:00pmBroadway Sings Disney at The Rockwell. DISCOUNTED*

10. [VARIOUS] Eat Well Week in Santa Monica.

* Discounts via our affiliate partners at Goldstar.

Want to find out more stuff to do in L.A.? Make sure to sign-up for our email newsletter so you can get fun ideas sent straight to your inbox every week.

Brian is the co-founder of We Like L.A. and a lifelong fan of puns, the Lakers, and late night tacos. Follow him on Twitter @bchampLA


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