
21 Memes About Living in Los Angeles That Every Angeleno Knows to Be True

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To paraphrase Boromir, one does not simply meme about Los Angeles. These things have to be clever, honest, heartfelt, and definitely not take themselves too seriously (you know, pretty much everything that outsiders would stereotype angelenos as NOT being).

In that spirit, I have done a couple searches on Reddit scoured the internet far and wide to locate the memes that best identify the culture, people, and geography of this incredible place that we call the city of angels. Or, in other words, memes that angelenos will find to be hilarious because they are spot-on true.


Enjoy the rundown.

[RELATED: If memes aren’t your thing check out these 13 Off-Beat, Kinda Weird, but Totally Cool Things To Do in L.A.]

About Driving Here

You don’t really know unless you were born here…

Adopted Traffic Meme

[source: livememe]

The anger is strong with this one…

Texting and Driving Meme

[source: imgur]

We’ll believe it when we see it…

Productions Leaving Meme

[source: livememe]

You know in the fall how the leaves change colors in other cities? Well we get this..

Back to School Meme

[source: imgur]

Oh, that seething rage….

405 Traffic Meme

[source: imgur]

Fool me once…

Driving Bad Time Meme

[source: imgur]

In Regard to Weather

The more things change…

Weather Stays Same Meme

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We’ve all fist pumped at this at least once…

Free Car Wash Meme

[source: imgur]

This is what you call, climate acclimated…

Los Angeles Weather Meme

[source: imgur]

Everything is relative…

California Cold Meme

[source: imgur]

Seasons? What seasons…

Merry Christmas Los Angeles Meme

[source: imgur]

The Things We See and Do

But it’s soooooo hard….

Weekend Plans Meme

[source: livememe]

Every. Damn. July…

Illegal Fireworks Meme

[source: imgur]

Every. Damn. Day…

Actors Everywhere Meme

[source: quickmeme]

We hope it’s the first one, but it’s probably the second….

Fog or Smog Meme

[source: quickmeme]

It’s his wife. His fifth wife…

Girlfriend or Daughter Meme

[source: quickmeme]

That moment, when you’re at the bus stop and it finally comes…

Is the Bus Late or Early Meme

[source: quickmeme]

Not dogs, just oversized rats…

Small Dogs Meme

[source: quickmeme]

We all know this guy…

Broke Friend Meme

[source: quickmeme]

It’s all about context…

Vermont and What?

[source: livememe]

And of course finally, that moment when you’ve lived here your whole life and you finally realize…

Wilshire Western Meme

[source: imgur]

Brian is the co-founder of We Like L.A. and a lifelong fan of puns, the Lakers, and late night tacos. Follow him on Twitter @bchampLA


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